Amazing Locations, Better Service
Our commitment is simple: provide our tenants with a place they feel safe, valued, and proud to call home.
Step 1: Submit an Application
Take 5 minutes to complete our online Lease Application and submit your non-refundable $80 fee (per applicant). Feel free to read over the Leasing Information on this page to familiarize yourself with our leasing procedures.
The Leasing Application allows you to list yourself, along with the group of people you plan to live with. The first person in your group to apply must create a unique “Group Name” in order for us to match your group together. Each roommate must reference this name when applying. We will go by the date the first person in your group applied.
As a group, decide which properties you are interested in leasing, and list the property names in order of preference. We will try our best to offer your first choice, based on availability. If your preferences are not available, we will discuss what other options you have available.
Don’t have any roommates and would like Winkler Organization to match you in a group? No problem! Simply select “No Preferred Roommates” on the application and we try to roommate match you! Submit the application below and make sure to answer the roommate matching questions on the application.
Lease Transfers: Call the office before submitting an application. We will explain the process to you and let you know availability.
Thanks for your interest in The Winkler Organization, we look forward to helping you find your next home!
Frequently Asked Questions
What Is Pre-Leasing?
Pre-leasing is a waiting list that allows you and your group to be placed on the list for up to 4 of our properties.
Application Process Steps & Notes
- Submit 1 Online Application per Applicant — each applicant does not have to complete and submit their online application on the same date.
- Pay a $80 non-refundable Application Fee (per applicant), which is required when submitting the application.
- Please be aware that all Application Fees are non-refundable.
How Do I Fill Out A Pre-leasing Application?
Simple! Click the red ‘Apply Now’ button on your screen at any time!
The Leasing Application allows you to list yourself, along with the group of people you plan to live with. (If you do not have roommates and would like Winkler Organization to help match you in a group, select “No Preferred Roommates” on the application.)
The first person in your group to apply must create a unique “Group Name” in order for us to match your group together. Each roommate must reference this name when applying. You will also list preferred roommates by name. If you do not know all of your roommates at the time your application is submitted, its ok. We can edit the application when you do find your roommates. We will go by the date of the first application.
As a group, decide which properties you are interested in leasing, and list the property names in order of preference. We will try our best to offer your first choice, based on availability. We will also let you know what is available if your property choices are not available. Leasing Applications will be filed on the waiting list by date and time it was received, and will be processed in that order. Incomplete Applications and unpaid Application Fees will not be processed.
Please be aware that we cannot place incomplete groups. All roommates must submit applications before we can offer your group a unit. It is in your best interest to ensure that you find an adequate number of roommates and that each roommate completes the leasing process within the allotted timeframe.
If you do not have an adequate number of preferred roommates to fill the number of bedrooms in your unit, The Winkler Organization may, at our discretion, place an applicant in your group in order to fill the unit. Pre- Leasing Groups with one or more current Winkler Organization tenants will be given priority over new applicants, and will be processed in order based on date and time received.
How Do I Find Out If My Choices Are Available?
Current tenants will receive renewal notices early during the leasing year. Current tenants will be given a set time period to decide whether to renew or transfer to another property within Winkler Organization.
After that time, Pre-Leasing Groups will be placed in their preferred properties, based on availability. We will start with the first application received and work from there.
We will contact your group via phone call. If you cannot be reached, we will leave a voice message to notify you that we are at your application date. It is very important to check messages during this time. If we speak to one of the group members, it is their responsibility to update the group. We will not call all members in the group when we reach one member. We are very busy during this time, so please be patient.
The Winkler Organization properties are highly desired; therefore, time is of the essence. Please be aware that once we have offered you and your group (if applicable) a unit, the leasing process moves very quickly. You will be contacted via email of the property choice that has been offered to you and your group.
Upon reception of this notification, you will have 24 hours to accept (or decline) and electronically pay a non-refundable $295 Administrative Fee per roommate, in order to reserve the unit/bedroom we have offered you. This fee can be easily and securely paid via electronic bank draft from your checking account. If paid with a credit card or debit card, a processing fee will be charged.
Once you have paid the Administrative Fee, you and your parent or legal guardian will be emailed a Lease and Lease Guarantee form that must be electronically signed and returned within 24 hours of receipt. You will also electronically pay your Security Deposit.
That’s it! Quick, secure, and all online.
Step 2: After You Apply
The Winkler Organization properties are highly desired; therefore, time is of the essence. Please be aware that once we have offered you and your group (if applicable) a unit, the leasing process moves very quickly. You will be contacted via phone call and we will leave a voicemail if we cannot reach you. Make sure that you are checking your voicemail messages in January.
Upon reception of this notification, you will have 24 hours to accept (or decline) and electronically pay a non-refundable $295 Administrative Fee per roommate, in order to reserve the unit/bedroom we have offered you. This fee can be easily and securely paid via electronic bank draft from your checking account. If you pay by credit card or debit card, a few will incur.
The staff has been incredible, helpful, and timely at responding to issues we have had. I would definitely recommend others to rent from you guys. Thanks for a great two years.
—Christopher, Wilcox Warehouse
Once you have paid the Administrative Fee, you and your parent or legal guardian will be emailed a Lease and Lease Guarantee form that must be electronically signed and returned within 24 hours of the time you receive it. You will also electronically pay your Security Deposit. Those instructions are sent with the lease email. That’s it – all online, quick and secure, you’re done!
Important Leasing Documents
Residential Rental Lease Agreement
The Leasing Application allows you to list yourself, along with the group of people you plan to live with. (If you do not have roommates and would like Winkler Organization to match you in a group, select “No Preferred Roommates” on the application.) The first person in your group to apply must create a unique “Group Name” in order for us to match your group together. Each roommate must reference this name when applying.
Tenant Lease Transfer Procedures
Winkler Organization tenants often inquire about transferring their lease to another individual. Please download and review our Transfer Procedures below.
Winkler Organization Tenant Handbook
The Leasing Application allows you to list yourself, along with the group of people you plan to live with. (If you do not have roommates and would like Winkler Organization to match you in a group, select “No Preferred Roommates” on the application.) The first person in your group to apply must create a unique “Group Name” in order for us to match your group together. Each roommate must reference this name when applying.
Download Our Tenant Handbook (Article II Rules & Regulations)
Move Out Cleaning Guide
The Leasing Application allows you to list yourself, along with the group of people you plan to live with. (If you do not have roommates and would like Winkler Organization to match you in a group, select “No Preferred Roommates” on the application.) The first person in your group to apply must create a unique “Group Name” in order for us to match your group together. Each roommate must reference this name when applying.
Move Out Letter
The Leasing Application allows you to list yourself, along with the group of people you plan to live with. (If you do not have roommates and would like Winkler Organization to match you in a group, select “No Preferred Roommates” on the application.) The first person in your group to apply must create a unique “Group Name” in order for us to match your group together. Each roommate must reference this name when applying.